DeGroote School of Business


Driving Directions   |   Public Transit   |   Shuttle Bus   |   Parking

The Ron Joyce Centre is conveniently located at 4350 South Service Road off the Queen Elizabeth Way west of Appleby Line, less than 2 km from the Appleby GO station.

The closest intersections are Walkers Line and Harvester Rd, and Appleby Line and Harvester Rd.

The RJC is approximately 20 minutes by car from the main McMaster University campus and approximately 40 minutes by car from downtown Toronto. This location offers a high level of visibility, easy accessibility, and close proximity to hotels, services, and other businesses.

Driving Directions

  • Travel westbound on the QEW or Highway 407.
  • In Burlington, take the Appleby Line exit, turn left, and head south (toward Lake Ontario).
  • At the traffic signal, turn right onto Harvester Road.
  • Turn right onto South Service Road (the street after Zelco Drive).
  • The Ron Joyce Centre is on your left at 4350 South Service Road.
  • Get Google directions

  • Head eastbound on the 403.
  • Take the QEW ramp and merge.
  • In Burlington, take the Walkers Line exit and turn right and head south (toward Lake Ontario).
  • At the traffic signal turn left onto Harvester Road.
  • At the next traffic signal turn left onto South Service Road.
  • The Ron Joyce Centre is on your right at 4350 South Service Road.
  • Get Google directions

  • Head westbound on the QEW.
  • Remain on the QEW (follow the Toronto bound QEW sign).
  • In Burlington, take the Walkers Line exit, turn right, and head south (toward Lake Ontario).
  • At the traffic signal, turn left onto Harvester Road.
  • At the next traffic signal, turn left onto South Service Road.
  • The Ron Joyce Centre is on your right at 4350 South Service Road.
  • Get Google directions

Go to Parking Information

Public Transit

The Ron Joyce Centre is conveniently located less than 2 km from the Appleby GO station. The RJC is not currently on a Burlington Transit route, although several buses that stop near the RJC. The closest Burlington Transit stop is at Appleby and Harvester. McMaster is continuing to negotiate with the City of Burlington to have a route change for a Burlington Transit connection to RJC.

Shuttle Service

RJC Shuttle bus out front of DSBA shuttle bus is available for students, staff, and faculty traveling between the main McMaster campus in Hamilton and the Ron Joyce Centre in Burlington. The schedule for the shuttle is included below. The shuttle bus stop on the main campus is in the pick-up/drop-off area between parking lots B and C, just to the southeast of the front entrance of the DeGroote School of Business. All regular shuttles also make an additional quick stop at the side of the McMaster Children’s Hospital facing University Avenue on their arrival & departure from the main campus. Please note this is a convenience drop off/pick up point only with no wait time allocated within the shuttle schedules. The stop at the RJC is on the north side of the building. The yellow shuttle bus can accommodate 42 riders. When rider numbers warrant it, there may be more than one bus.

Small Shuttle Pickup Shot 1

There is also a shuttle connection between the Appleby GO Transit station and the Ron Joyce Centre. The schedule can be found below. The shuttle bus stop at the GO station is on the south side of the Appleby Go Station where the bus loop is (see map). There is a sign indicating “McMaster Ron Joyce Centre Shuttle.” The yellow shuttle bus can accommodate 42 riders.

Please note that, for safety reasons, the shuttle drivers are not allowed to stop for passengers anywhere other than the designated pickup/drop off points.

Shuttle schedule additions required to support special events and classes/workshops will be posted at the RJC Front Desk a week prior to the event. All inquiries concerning shuttle service should be directed to the RJC concierge desk 525-9140 ext. 20536.

Note: Unless otherwise posted, there will be no shuttle service on statutory holidays .

Shuttle Schedules

We have a dedicated, mobile-friendly shuttle schedule site. Use it to find out when the next shuttle is or to plan a future trip.

Go to the Shuttle Schedule Website

Hours and Location

Building Hours

Monday – Thursday
7:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.

7:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Note: There is no shuttle service available on the weekends.


4350 South Service Road
Burlington, ON L7L 5R8
Ph: 905-525-9140 ext. 20540 (events and catering)
Ph. 905-525-9140 ext. 20536 (welcome desk / concierge)

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