DeGroote School of Business

Storm Closure

McMaster University, including the Ron Joyce Centre, will close because of severe winter weather when normal operation would pose a danger to students, staff, and faculty while on campus or would prevent large numbers of them from coming to campus or returning safely to their homes.

When McMaster University is closed due to severe weather, the Ron Joyce Centre is closed as well.

Every effort will be made to confirm a closing by 5:30 a.m. When a closing has been confirmed, it will be communicated via the Daily News and by Hamilton media (radio and television). Faculty, staff, and students are responsible for checking local media and the Daily News on stormy days. If there is no specific announcement about McMaster being closed, then the University remains open.

When the University is closed, classes are not held, meetings and other scheduled events are canceled, and all areas and operations not defined as essential are closed. Examinations are canceled and rescheduled. Deadlines for student assignments and other submissions due on a closed day are postponed until the same hour on the next academic day that the University is not closed.

In the unlikely situation that the main McMaster campus is open but severe weather in Burlington poses a danger to Ron Joyce Centre students, staff, and faculty, a decision to close just the RJC may be made. This decision will be made by the Dean or Associate Dean in collaboration with McMaster Security Services and will be communicated through email, the DeGroote website, and the McMaster Daily News.

McMaster’s policy

Services available at the Ron Joyce Centre