DeGroote School of Business

LEED Certification

The Ron Joyce Centre is a LEED Gold-certified building. The certification from the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System focuses on five key areas: sustainable site development, water efficiency, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental air quality. There are many items that enable this certification, including:

  • Low flow plumbing fixtures.
  • Extensive use of construction materials containing recycled content. Wherever possible, construction materials were specified, and they were locally sourced.
  • No irrigation on site; drought tolerant plants and sod specified by landscape designer.
  • Green housekeeping program for the building using green cleaning products.
  • White roof to minimize heat island effect.
  • High-efficient lighting and ventilation units
  • Designated carpool parking spaces for employees.
  • Green power sources for 50 percent of the building’s electricity.

McMaster was the first university in Ontario to develop and implement a sustainable building policy.

Services available at the Ron Joyce Centre