DeGroote School of Business

Computer Services & Printing


MBA students can print, scan and copy using the machine in the TD Learning Commons behind the Concierge Desk (RJC, 1st floor). Student printing/copying and scanning is done through PrintSmart.

For updates or information on the PrintSmart initiative, please go to the McMaster Library website or email For any issues you can submit a problem report.

Laptop Borrowing

Laptops are available for students to use at the Ron Joyce Centre. They can be signed out at the Welcome Centre/Concierge Desk.

Laptops cannot be taken out of the building and you are responsible for the care and safety of the laptop while it’s in your possession.  You must provide your student card when borrowing a laptop. Individuals who do not follow these terms will lose their right to use the laptop service. They help ensure fair access for all students.

Each term, new students are required to fill out a laptop borrowing agreement that outlines the terms of use for the service. The forms are available at the Welcome Centre/Concierge Desk.

The laptops have been set up for PrintSmart, Citrix (virtual lab) access, and have MS Office 2010 installed.

Services available at the Ron Joyce Centre