DeGroote School of Business

Building Security

To report a security problem, please contact the Welcome Centre /Concierge Desk on the first floor either in person or at 905-525-9140 ext. 20536. In the event of an emergency, please call 911.

The Ron Joyce Centre is not accessible outside of regular building hours. Building hours may be extended during peak times, such as exam period or for special events. Changes will be communicated to students, staff and faculty by email and through the DeGroote web site.

All visitors are required to sign in at the Welcome Centre.

Students, staff, faculty and visitors are reminded to always secure valuables at all times and not to leave bags, computers or other personal belongings unattended. DeGroote is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended. A lost and found is located at the Welcome Centre on the main floor.

The Centre is monitored remotely by McMaster security, and a full-time security guard is on-site during building hours.

Services available at the Ron Joyce Centre